Hemingway Protégé

The eclectic musings of an inquisitive writer, journalism student, politics addict, and hopeless romantic.

21 Things You Suddenly Start Wanting In Your Mid-20s

by Tyler Difley

Matt Gurney: Any Tory MP who agrees with Rathgeber but stays silent is unfit to hold office

by Tyler Difley

Robyn Urback: Sex is changing, it’s the education that’s outdated

by Tyler Difley

Time for a reality check people, this is unacceptable.

Mean Professor Tells Student to “get your sh*t together”

by Tyler Difley

Things Doanie Likes

Ok, let’s get serious here. A popular professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business replied to a student’s email in a way that is part jerkface but mostly, part sage life advice. Deadspin reports that a student walked into the 1st day of class an hour late and the professor told her to leave & come back to the next class. In the comments section, most people were surprised to find themselves siding with the professor, citing topics like the rudeness of interrupting 80 people who pay full tuition to the foolishness of  “shopping” 3 classes in the same time slot. The professor actually XXXX’d out the student’s name and emailed it to all of his students! See below.. what’s your take on this?

Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2010 7:15:11 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Brand Strategy Feedback

Prof. Galloway,

I would like to discuss a matter with…

View original post 755 more words

by Thought Catalog

so true…

by Tyler Difley

Tarantino is so fantastic, and it’s always cool to deconstruct his films to see all the different influences.

by Tyler Difley

Rethink the Rant


The following includes descriptions, photos, and video that may serve as a trigger for victims of sexual violence.
Please be advised. 

Someone asked me today, “What is ‘rape culture’ anyway? I’m tired of hearing about it.”

Yeah, I hear ya. I’m tired of talking about it. But I’m going to keep talking about it because people like you keep asking that question.

Rape culture is when a group of athletes rape a young girl, and though there are dozens of witnesses, no one says, “Stop.”

Rape culture is when a group of athletes rape a young girl, and though there are dozens of witnesses, they can’t get anyone to come forward.

Rape culture is when a group of athletes rape a young girl, and adults are informed of it, but no consequences are doled out because the boys “said nothing happened.”

Rape culture is when a group…

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by Tyler Difley

by Tyler Difley

by Tyler Difley

Something to think about.